Articles submitted to the Biuletyn Naukowy Wrocławskiej Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki Stosowanej. Informatyka undergo an initial review by the editorial board, particularly with regard to the paper’s compatibility with the journal’s profile, its contribution to the current state of research, and fulfilment of the requirements of the guidelines for authors. Texts that receive a positive evaluation are then sent for review. In accordance with the double-blind review process, authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. The editors do not provide the names of reviewers for individual articles, only the composition of the reviewers for the year. Reviewers are required to provide an evaluation of the article on a predetermined top-down form (pdf) and make explicit recommendations for publication. Editors can receive one of four recommendations for the text:
• unsuitable for publication
• suitable for publication after major changes
• suitable for publication after minor changes
• suitable for publication in its current form

In case of contentious situations, additional reviewers are appointed. All suspicions of possible irregularities or abuse will be clarified before the review procedure is completed. The author of the text receives the review immediately.

In cases where reviewers have recommended revisions, the basis for acceptance for publication is only the revised work.

The procedure for reviewing articles follows the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (now the Ministry of Education and Science).

Peer review form

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