Biuletyn Naukowy Wrocławskiej Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki Stosowanej. Informatyka publishes original scientific, informative, review and overview articles in the broad field of computer science in Polish with abstract and keywords in Polish and English. Submission of an article for publication is tantamount to the Author’s declaration that the material is original and has not been previously published or submitted for publication in another publication.

All articles, with the exception of informative ones, after initial acceptance by the editorial board, will be submitted for review. The reviewers’ opinions, together with the editorial board’s comments, will be made available to the Author to make the necessary corrections by the agreed deadline. The corrected text and illustrations will be the basis for acceptance of the article for printing.

In order to facilitate the editorial work, please prepare the text and appendices according to the following guidelines.

The maximum volume of submitted papers, including all figures and tables, should not exceed 30 pages of A4 format of standardized text (Times New Roman font 12 pt, leading 1.5, margins 2.5 cm). The text of the article along with figures should be provided in digital form. The proposed location of figures and tables should be marked in the margin of the printout. The text, as well as the explanations of figures and tables, should be prepared in MS Word word processor (in *.doc or *.rtf format) with alignment to the left margin only (unjustified text), with automatic word splitting disabled. Do not break up the text or insert figures or tables throughout. All units of measurement should be given in the SI system.

Both figures (photographs and drawings) and tables should be referred to and signed as figures (Fig.) and tables (Tab.) in the text and numbered according to the order in which they appear in the text. Descriptions of figures in the text should be below the figure, and descriptions of tables should be above.

The prepared manuscript should include: 
1. The title of the article (in Polish and English). 
2. Names, surnames and the name and address of the institution employing the authors, e-mail address, ORCID number.
3. Abstract. In a short form, not exceeding 200 words, present the methods, research results and conclusions (in Polish). 
4. Abstract – same as above (point 3), but in English. 
5. Keywords – min. 3, max. 5, characterizing the subject of the paper (in Polish). 
6. Keywords – same as above (point 5), but in English. 
7. Proper text with a division into introduction, chapters, research results, summary and/or conclusions, acknowledgments, if any. Please, use the following abbreviations: ibidem, op. cit., idem, eadem.
8. Footnotes in the proper text formatted according to the examples given below.

E. Castro, Po prostu XML, Gliwice 2001.
P. J. Davis, P. Rabinowitz, Methods of Numerical Integration, New York 1984.
W. Traczyk, Structural representation of unstructured knowledge, „Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology” 2005 (3), p. 81–86.
L. Yang, D. Liang, Q. Huang et al., Extracting 3D information form broadcast soccer video, „Image and Vision Computing” 2006 (10), pp. 1146–1162.
A. Świetlicka, A. Iwaniak, M. Piwowarczyk, BiLSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Heterogeneous Ensemble Models for Named Entity Recognition Problem in Long Polish Unstructured Documents [in:] „Proceedings of the PolEval 2020 Worshopv”, M. Ogrodniczuk, Ł. Kobyliński (eds.), Warszawa 2020, pp. 109–123.
9. Illustrations. Drawings and photographs should be submitted with the printout electronically in the format of the CorelDRAW graphics program; if other programs are used, figures should be saved in vector .wmf format, or another format that allows import into CorelDRAW. Raster graphics should be saved in one of the bitmap formats (.tif, *.bmp, *.jpg). Photographs, both color and black and white, should be scanned at 300 dpi for the format in 1:1 printing, and black and white drawings at 600 dpi. In the case of photographs, it is necessary to include the author’s name. Illustrations should not exceed the maximum print area per page. Figure captions (preferred abbreviation is Fig. 1) in Polish should be on a separate sheet of paper in a separate file titled Table of Figures saved in MS Word.
10. Tables. Tables together with a list of tables with titles in English (preferred abbreviation is Tab. 1) should be on separate sheets of paper (in separate files, in MS Word or MS Excel format; maximum A4 format).
11. Bibliography in alphabetical order, formatted according to the examples given below.
Castro E., Po prostu XML, Gliwice 2001.
Davis P. J., Rabinowitz P., Methods of Numerical Integration, New York 1984.
Traczyk W., Structural representation of unstructured knowledge, „Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology” 2005 (3), pp. 81–86.
Yang L., Liang D., Huang Q. et al., Extracting 3D information form broadcast soccer video, „Image and Vision Computing” 2006 (10), pp. 1146–1162.
Świetlicka A., Iwaniak A., Piwowarczyk M., BiLSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Heterogeneous Ensemble Models for Named Entity Recognition Problem in Long Polish Unstructured Documents [in:] „Proceedings of the PolEval 2020 Worshopv”, M. Ogrodniczuk, Ł. Kobyliński (eds.), Warszawa 2020, pp. 109–123.

Authors are requested to provide the editors with information on the contributions of individual authors (including their affiliations and contributions, i.e., information on who authored the concepts, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used in the preparation of the publication), the sources of funding for the publication, and the contributions of others to the publication. In addition, the editorial board informs that ghostwriting (a situation we encounter when someone has made a significant contribution to the publication without disclosing their participation as one of the authors or without mentioning their role in the acknowledgements included in the publication) and guest authorship (a situation when the author’s contribution to the publication was very small or non-existent) are manifestations of scientific dishonesty, and all detected cases will be documented and consistently combated, including notification of relevant entities.

In case of doubts about the formal requirements, authors are invited to directly contact and consult with the editorial board of the Biuletyn Naukowy Wrocławskiej Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki Stosowanej. Informatyka via the email address Odnośnik jest adresem e-mail i pozwala bezpośrednio otworzyć program pocztowy.

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