The mission of the publishing house is to disseminate knowledge in the fields of engineering and technology sciences, as well as natural sciences, while maintaining a high level of substantive, ethical and editorial content, and to popularise scientific achievements arising from the activities of ATINS and its cooperation with other entities.

Ultimately, the publishing house’s offer will include, among other things, scientific (monographs, post-conference monographs), didactic (academic textbooks, scripts, materials for laboratories, collections of tasks and lecture records), informational and popular science publications, including electronic ones. The publishing house has professional and modern printing equipment, which ensures high-quality printing and efficient implementation of the publishing process.

Currently, through the publishing house there is published Biuletyn Naukowy Wrocławskiej Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki Stosowanej. Informatyka – a scientific journal published in an annual cycle, presenting publications addressing issues from the leading discipline of information and communication technology, as well as from the disciplines of computer and information sciences, and automation, electronic and electrical engineering.

The journal is published in open access, free of charge, without technical restrictions.

ATINS Publishing House informs that it does not charge authors any fees. We encourage you to submit articles for the next issue to the e-mail address

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