Online recruitment (recommended)
Step 1: Go to the registration page.
Step 2: After completing the registration, log in.
Step 3: Fill out and print the recruitment form.
Step 4: Pay the registration fee to the account number provided in the printouts tab.
Step 5: Print the payment confirmation from the bank. Prepare 1 photo of the ID format and documents generated in the „downloads” tab.
Step 6: Provide the required documents to the university.
Offline recruitment
Documents required /
studies in English
Undergraduate studies
(Bachelor’s degree)
are requested to submit
the following documents
at the Dean’s Office:
Original of secondary school diploma (for inspection only)
Legalisation or apostille confirming the validity of your secondary school diploma for university studies with sworn translation into Polish
Sworn translation (into Polish) of secondary school diploma
Nostrification by the Polish educational authority (if according to the Polish law your country’s diploma is not recognized by default as equal to its Polish equivalent)
Xerox copy of passport
Confirmation of payment of the registration fee
1 passport-size photograph
2 signed copies of Study Agreement for the Computer Science Programme – agreement
[Please, don’t fill out the agreement form, it’s for illustration purposes only – just visit the Dean’s Office]
Graduate studies (Master’s degree)
Candidates are requested to submit the following documents at the Dean’s Office:
Original of your Bachelor’s or Engineer’s diploma (for inspection only)
Legalisation or apostille confirming the validity of your diploma for graduate studies with sworn translation into Polish
Nostrification by the Polish educational authority (if according to the Polish law your country’s diploma is not recognized by default as equal to its Polish equivalent)
Sworn translation (into Polish) of your Bachelor’s or Engineer’s diploma
Xerox copy of passport
Confirmation of payment of the registration fee
1 passport-size photograph
2 signed copies of Study Agreement for the Computer Science Programme –
[Please, don’t fill out the agreement form, it’s for illustration purposes only – just visit the Dean’s Office]
Online Admissions
Step 1: Fill out online entry form.
Step 2: Download, fill out and sign 2 copies of the Study Agreement.
Step 3: Pay the registration fee to our bank account.
Bank account number: (Bank Pekao S.A.): 17 1240 6670 1111 0000 5649 4392
Recipient details: Akademia Techniczno-Informatyczna w Naukach Stosowanych, ul. ks. M. Lutra 4, 54-239 Wrocław
The above bank account number is only used to pay the registration fee.
In order to pay the tuition fee, the student will receive an individual account number.
Step 4: Send all the documents via priority mail to the following address:
Akademia Techniczno-Informatyczna w Naukach Stosowanych
ul. Lutra 4
54-239 Wrocław
On the envelope write down: „Admissions
– name of study programme”, e.g.
„Admissions –
Wait for feedback from the Dean’s Office.